
Meet Paul E. Doutrich

Paul Doutrich is an award-winning author and a professor emeritus of American history at York College of Pennsylvania, where he taught for thirty years. He now lives on Cape Cod in Brewster, Massachusetts. In 2023, his book, The Many Adventures of Donnie Malone, received a Literary Titan Gold Medal Award.

  • eader Favorite Gold Star – The Readers’ Favorite Award is the fastest growing book award contest on the Internet.. It has earned the respect of renowned publishers such as Random House, Simon and Schuster, and Harper and Collins.
  • Literary Titans Gold Medal – This award is granted to books that demonstrate notable merit in the realm of creation. The award acknowledges books that deliver engaging and inventive content with a distinctive voice.
  • The book festival awards are for books that demonstrate a general excellence and the author’s passion for telling a good story.
  • New York Book Festival Honorable Mention
  • New England Book Festival Honorable Mention
  • Southern California Book Festival Honorable Mention
  • Hollywood Book Festival Honorable Mention
  • Beach Book Festival Honorable Mention

What Critics Are Saying About Paul’s Book